{info} TODDLER Traits Bundle

 👶10 NEW Toddler traits with game effects for your cute little ones. 👶

Icons are from icons8.com. Thanks!

Always Hungry: faster hunger decay

Always Sleepy: faster energy decay

Communication Developmental Delay: slower communication skill gain---conflicted with Quick Learner Toddler

Difficult Toddler: faster attention need decay, negative moods multiplier and build relationships slowly.---conflicted with Easy Toddler, Slow-to-warm-up Toddler

Easy Toddler: slower attention need decay, positive moods multiplier and build relationships quickly.---conflicted with Difficult Toddler, Slow-to-warm-up Toddler

Imagination Developmental Delay: slower imagination skill gain---conflicted with Quick Learner Toddler

Movement Developmental Delay: slower movement skill gain---conflicted with Quick Learner Toddler

Quick Learner: all skills gain faster ---conflicted with Communication Developmental Delay, Imagination Developmental Delay, Movement Developmental Delay, Thinking Developmental Delay

Slow-to-warm-up:  slower attention need decay, slightly negative moods multiplier and build relationships slowly.---conflicted with Difficult Toddler, Easy Toddler

Thinking Developmental Delay: slower thinking skill gain---conflicted with Quick Learner Toddler

Free Download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43371470