{info} Smarter Self-Care Mod

This is a mod to allow your Sims to have better autonomy on taking care of their needs!

Sims can now take better care of their needs before getting uncomfortable from their motives going too low. 

I edited the motives of Sims so that Sims would have higher autonomy to fulfill their needs since the motives hit a level above the middle. Their needs also decay a bit slower with this mod.  And Sims also have higher autonomy to do fun activities and social now.

Hopefully Sims can now actually feed themselves and rest well without having to order them to do so. 

So now you may focus on playing a story or doing other challenges without seeing your Sims starving or exhausting themselves.😁


Also, Sims (from baby to elder) that are saved and not currently playing would have less need loss/ higher need gain when you see them again.

I tested it in game in normal speed and ultra speed and I'm quite happy with the result.

Sims now normally would have 2-3 times of meals a day as observed in my game. 

It also includes self-care for Servo, Vampires and Plant Sims.

It now also includes Baby-Care and Toddler-Care.

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